Sunday, March 25, 2012

Make up Inspiration for Reception Day


two entries in a day...telebey rajin pulak...heee...
okeh tadi sy ckp pasal mekap yang sy nak during akad untuk reception pulak...

for reception of course la kena heavy sikit saya xnak tebal2 mcm tepung gomak...huhuuh...still kena simple2...

and yang penting, saya harap my MUA tak shading bagi muka sy gelap...sebolehnya saya prefer cerahkan kulit sikit tapi tak terlalu cerah macam opera cina..huhu

now let's see the top ranking my fav Wedding Makeup Look for Reception:

 No 1: Make up by Epie Temerloh...mmg cantik sangat...especially part mata tu...

Sama jugak by Epie Temerloh...

No 2: Kim K tuuuuu...kalau MUA sy leh mekap bg muka saya jadi cmni mmg respek abes...
(okehh ai mmg suke muka Kim K!!)
* pic ni dah upload jugak untuk entry make up inspiration for solemnization day

No 3: sy suka mekap mata camtuuu...

Memandangkan muka sy ni kategori mamak2 kan, so saja nak upload gambar dua di bawah ni...

 This is what i meant bila kulit kta gelap, pastu MUA mekap bagi kulit kita cerah sket...turn out gojes!
Make up by AmyTouch

Suka sangat tengok minah Arab ni...kalau kat Malaysia konfem u ols cop dia anak mami...macam sy pegi arab dorang ckp i arabian (okeh i tipu jek)

Actually banyak lagi make up look i suka...and yang paling penting...hopefully my MUA will do a great job that day...amin~

P/S: Btw, my lovely strips curtain for photobooth dah siap by Oh Wow, Lovely!...suka sangat okess...
and i will put it on my reception as well (sebelum ni mak tak bg letak time reception tapi now she changed her mind lepas tengok strips ni...yeay!)

Pic from Oh Wow, Lovely!


  1. sis,
    Yang make up bienda yang 1st tu superb!! Heee :)

  2. haah cantik bienda da mmg sedia cntik..heheehehe

  3. aah.yang first tu cantik sis.:)

  4. azza- nak mata camtu kan..cut mata bienda paste kt mata sy T_T
