Wednesday, May 9, 2012

1st Fitting Reception Dress and Hang Out

Salam gurls,

Wowww..i am getting busier than ever sistahhh (tiru gaya Fza Amin)...dalam 20++ days i'll be getting married...tapi sangat2 busy dengan kerja di ofis dan wedding week ada sales trip pulakkk...really stressful month...tapi cuba sedaya upaya untuk tenang...nak kena g spa hari2 la camni...huhu...

btw, last few days sy pergi Shah Alam untuk first fitting with Shanell Harun...together with Ms. Nurul Mohamed dan Fza Amin...actually Nurul pun upah baju akad nikah dekat Shanell...and turn out baju die so damn gorgeous!! rase nak nangeh tengok baju die okehhh...especially part kain flowy2...she is so beautiful...

but on the other side, my dress still kosong...beadings semua x jahit lagi...1st fitting i would say nothing's a plain boring dress...and baju tu besar sikit dari badan asal...sebab sy dah lose 3kg...sampai shanell ckp jangan diet lg...hahah...

next fitting will be next week!! which i can't wait for final product...hopefully it will turn out beautiful like what i wanted with all the beadings :p

sorry no teaser ya...hahaha...

cuma nak letak gambar2 kitorang yang as usual gila posing tak habis2 :)

my beautiful BFFs

The 1st Day~

Posing ada dah tapi gaya nak p market...i sukaaaa konfiden level tu~ 

peronyok2 muka :)

Seri pengantin Nurul Mohamed sbb dia minum Innershine okeh :)

Dengan pasangan beliau~

Makan time!


The 2nd Day~

Seri bakal pengantin jugak...mueehhehehehe

sedap okeh~

Gaya kedua2 gambar di atas konon nak tiru aksi2 Hijabista Nada...tapi tak jadik...ahahaha

si boipren Fza...apek~

si manis Fza Amin :)

 Oke tak pakai turban ni? hahhaa..saja gedik suruh Fza belitkan...tapi posing jap terus bukak balik...
pastu boipren Fiz ckp macam singh jek...arghhhhhh...hahahhaah

p/s: rindu sangat2 nak blogwalking and rendu blogger2 lain....keadaan sangat busy...hrp2 dimudahkan semuanya...amin...


  1. aww~ mesti dupdap dupdap kan :)

  2. innershine ke? ada jugak sikit perbezaan bila minum innershine tp yg pasti yg membuatkan muka i ok is artistry hahahaha...

  3. Rindu sis jugakk.. T___T

    jarang update dh skrng kan..

    Busy sgt eh..

    Pape pon, gaya turban tu lain dari yg lain :P

  4. si gadis melayu- hehehe..skang x lagi..lg dua ari nak kawen baru rs kot :p

    yui- haah lupa nak mention artistry tuu..hehehe

    rina ellisa- renduuuuu kt awak..heeee..nak singgah blog org pun xde mase ni :(

  5. Woww...mesti glam kan baju nikah korang....x sbr nk tgk....hehhee

  6. hohoho.. dah tak lama lagie kan.. hari tue terserempak ngan encik tunang kamu kat SOGO.. sure tgh cari barang..:D

  7. liza- baju nikah n reception hrp2 turn out cantek..x glam pun xpe..hehehe

    iena- yeke? eh muka die..heehehe

  8. hehehe.. btw,ko edit ke gmbr2 nie? bg aku tgk muka aku blushing lain je ke mmg cmtu? hahahaha...

  9. Tulaa....asalkan cantik kan...xpe x cantik di mata org, asal cantik di mata kita... :D

  10. yui- ade aku edit ade yg x..sbb aku bz extreme...xsmpt edit byk2..adela dlm 4 5 keping je yg edit btol2..yg lain edit just bg gmbr terang jek..huhuhu..

    liza- nak gak org lain ckp cntik.hahahaha..bole cmtu?

  11. Hehhe...boleh2...itu dh smstinyaa....mmg nk soh org ckp cantik pon...kehkeh

  12. diet ker??kamu kurus sangat da..jeLesnye..!

  13. liza- haah harus okeh..hehehe

    orked- kurus x kurus sgt la...cuma trun still gemok kalo compare ngn org kurus..hahaha

  14. Banyak betul gambar cantik-cantik kat sini :)

  15. hehe comel2 la drg..sama cantik ngan u..:P

  16. im also stil waiting for my baju nikah & reception dress siap, scary pulak dah dekat dengan wedding date kan ^_^

  17. iedchan- hehehe dorang sgt comel :p

    ieda- OMG scary giler kot ieda..hahaha..hopefully our wedding akan bejalan lancar..amin :)

  18. Cantik jerr bila kita ni yakin menggayakan nya kan..

    wahh menanti saat bahagia memg dup..dap..dup..dap ohh bahagia rasanya. heheheh

    Cik Mama Follow sini.

  19. cik mama- btul3...bedebar jek..thnx 4 dropping by! muah :)

  20. fuhhh mestilahhh sibuk get ready utk semuanya kan.. semoga semuanya berjalan lancar ya

  21. How was the final product?is it okay?
